Online Documentation of the Learning Progress

Learning-progress documentation available online at:

In order to help teachers implement and evaluate the documentations of the learning progress , the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the University of Rostock generated an online platform that provides templates of valid testing procedures. Moreover, it enables teachers to type in, save and graphically edit the acquired results from their students.

The program automatically evaluates the entered data and presents them in charts that show correlations with further reference values (average across the class, average of a norm sample). Thus, the program allows a visual and simple, yet precise assessing of each student’s performances as well as of the class in general. The evaluation is conducted on the basis of the individual and social reference norm. Moreover, the results may help to draw conclusions about the teaching effectivity. For that matter, they also help teachers to evaluate their lessons in a more comprehensive way and to see whether an adjustment of current interventions is necessary or not in order to meet the children’s needs.

The purpose of our program is to assist teachers with an objective assessment of students’ performances and with subsequent individual support. In the end, it aims at allowing more time for the core task of a teacher: teaching in class.

You can get more information about the program online at

Many schools show interest in the program to ducument their students' learning progress. About 100 schools in the area of Mecklenburg-Pomerania are currently using that offer. If you are interested to gain access to it as well you can register →here for free.